Another year passes by. What will I remember of 2016? What was good and what was bad? And what is to come?
The House
From the top of my mind, I think that the biggest personal project that we undertook this year was to renovate our kitchen. We basically ripped out the old one, opened up for a new door, re-walled another and installed the most amazing kitchen from IKEA!2 months without a proper kitchen, doing pretty much everything ourselves (not counting water, electricity and carpet layers) with the help of our families. Hopefully we don't need to do that again for a decade or two.
Now we have 3, Tiger, Pixel and Prime.
Smaller projects:
relocation of living room. We moved our TV room to the upper floor and remodeled the living room into a dining room. Turned out great, the old yellow wallpaper was really ugly.See before and after images:
The before picture is cluttered, but so was the rest of the house as well during the kitchen project.
Was a great start this year in preparation for Billingeracet MTB, the only race I participated in this year and plan to do the same next year.After that, our house projects took all of my time and training was a second priority.
There was also a real low-period that lasted for most part of the autumn where my resting pulse was 15-20 over normal, more on that in another post that I am planning.
From mid December, I think I am back on track again in preparation for 2017.
First time brewing, cider. Turned out great, tastes good and hopefully next year we'll be able to make a batch of beer as well
Investing has been a good year, my favorite bank was on sale for most of the year so I was able to collect more shares than planned. And also putting away more cash into investing at the end of the year than at the start of it. A good sign that perhaps the investment plan will fulfill itself a little faster. But it is still too early to predict. :)
Outlook for 2017
Lots of plans, we would like to redo the facade on the house and add an extra layer of insulation. We fell in love with the Swedish Falu Rödfärg in the lovely color of black. But we shall see if it will happen in 2017 or 18.
For investing, I'll be keeping close track on both the UK and US, not much happened in the global economy during the vote for Brexit nor the presidential election in the US. But 2017 will be the year when both are implemented, so hopefully some stormy months in the market. For me, I don't mind. Red numbers would be good for me, meaning that I could buy up cheap shares in great businesses.
A long post, but I think I've covered it all. At least the most important parts.
Until next time: Work to Live, Don’t Live to Work
Disclaimer. I am in no way an expert on capital management or investing. On this blog I only wish to share my findings, ideas and comments on current events and fields that interest me. I hope that my thoughts can entertain you. I expect that everyone reading take their time and do their own research before acting on anything read on this blog. Investing is not for everyone. E&OE.
Until next time: Work to Live, Don’t Live to Work
Disclaimer. I am in no way an expert on capital management or investing. On this blog I only wish to share my findings, ideas and comments on current events and fields that interest me. I hope that my thoughts can entertain you. I expect that everyone reading take their time and do their own research before acting on anything read on this blog. Investing is not for everyone. E&OE.