onsdag 8 november 2017

My current plan, 2017 November

Another month has passed.
This month I invested a building block in the candy maker. The reasons behind the decision was because had dropped to red numbers, i.e. I was loosing money.
Knowing that it is a stable company and that I still have trust in the management team and chairman I decided to invest into the price drop and thus getting more for the invested money.

Until next time, why not Stabilize your economy. Buffer and Savings

Disclaimer. I am in no way an expert on capital management or investing. On this blog I only wish to share my findings, ideas and comments on current events and fields that interest me. I hope that my thoughts can entertain you. I expect that everyone reading take their time and do their own research before acting on anything read on this blog. Investing is not for everyone. E&OE.

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